Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Rehearsal - 2.28.09 (actually 3.1.09)

I thought I'd try and give a little bit of a glimpse into the goings-on at a Common Swift rehearsal. Rehearsal seems a bit of a formal term, right? Maybe practice is better, except if I say practice I think we should be running laps and taking grounders - as it turns out, some of us did run laps on Sunday. Practice it is.

So - a listified version of CS practice:

8-10: bottles of New Glarus Brewery Coffee Stout consumed

1: bottle of whiskey between Alissa and Clinton (note: not consumed, just physically sitting between those two)

1: IMDB break (although for the life of me, I can't remember why)

XIV: songs on Parker/Strutt's album they made in February

?: drumsticks Dusty went through (not sure, I think it might have only been 2)

1: drumstick Dusty "inadvertently" threw at me (or was this last week? not sure)

1: Doctor Horrible reference

many: jokes at drummer's expense

4,5,6,7,and 8: beats in our measures

full-length: my sleeves. Sorry, Strutt.

I suppose I should have been taking notes on Sunday so I could have given a fuller version of the list - perhaps the others can fill in/correct my errors...

on a closing, somewhat sadder note -

Personally, it was a pretty painful practice for me. I don't like to complain about things, and I certainly don't want to come across as whiny (or a wimp), but I was playing through an injury on Sunday. You know when there's a little cut between your fingernail and your actual finger, right at the tip? My right index finger had that going on all weekend, and MAN does it suck to play piano/keyboard with that happening. JEEZ.



  1. The IMDB break was for looking up which movies Stephen King has appeared in, which in turn led Clinton and I to discover he directed Maximum Overdrive, which in turn may be the name of CS's first album.

    I think it was a pretty good practice, and I liked having it in the afternoon...thoughts?

    On a serious note, Brian and I thoroughly enjoyed our lap around the block during practice and we may be making a formal rule that it become a mandatory band activity...no exceptions...I'm thinking about you, Clinton. And yes, I am COMPLETELY serious. I AM NOT JOKING.

  2. I hope that your finger feels better, Jeff! OUCH!! Very sad.

    Also. Am I the first one to notice that Jeff's name is spelled wrong on the side there? ...or have I been spelling his name wrong for all this time...

  3. So I should give credit where credit is due - the date of practice was corrected after Calli brought it (discretely) to my attention. Thanks, Calli.

  4. woot. I should be groupie/band editor. I'd rock that.
