Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Plea for Help

So, I had wanted my first post on the blog to read something like this:


Alas...this was not to be. So, here comes the anticlimactic second try.

A Plea for Help

At the latest band practice (2.15.09) something of moderate importance occurred. I have been burdened with the enormous duties of "Official Band Pun-master," and I must admit - I'm doubting my abilities already. I mean, really wondering if I'm up to the job - it's a pretty tall order...I was given the title after suggesting a song title for our concept album about a forest and all of its woodland glory*. Who wouldn't listen to a song about the Common Swift keys player named 'Fungi?'

*not actually planned.

So, band super-fans (who must be combing through the archives, if reading this - seing as how our readership at the moment consists of us), if you have any pun ideas, let me know and I'll subtly work them in at rehearsal.

Anyway, I've got to get back to freaking out about the symphony rehearsal in Beloit tonight.


UPDATE: rehearsal was fine - shouldn't have been so worried. We'll see if the next concert is any worse.


  1. Should I see something, or is this really a blank post?

  2. I'm really as alarmed as you are, Parker.

  3. well, see, I had written a post, and then deleted it when I wasn't sure if I should post it, and then now...I can bring myself to rewrite it. I couldn't figure out to how erase the evidence of my activities :)

  4. I like the post Jeff, and I wouldn't stress out too much about thinking up puns. When I said you were average at them I was really just being mean.

  5. Is it bad that I laughed out loud when I read "tall order" in Jeff's post?
    hahahah I'm still laughing. I'm a horrible groupie, but that was just too funny.

  6. good, good... I'm both glad that one didn't go unnoticed, and sad that you are laughing at my height.
